SONBHADRA AO Code for pan card apply nsdl and uti

Updated: 14-Jan-2025

Find SONBHADRA AO Code for PAN Card Area Code.

All About Latest Update For Pan Card apply Area Code SONBHADRA.

Nsdl and Uti PAN Area Code SONBHADRA - 2025

SONBHADRA PAN Ao Code / Area Code List

Area Name Area AO Type Range Code AO No





















How do I find SONBHADRA AO code?

PAN Applicants can find SONBHADRA AO Code in the table. also you can visiting ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA the Income Tax Office. Alternatively, SONBHADRA AO Code can be found out online as well. It is worth mentioning that the SONBHADRA AO Code for a specific PAN card holder may change in future as per the policy updation of the ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA.

How can I know my AO code for PAN card?

For Check PAN AO code visit Search Ao Code Enter City or Dist Name or click Check Ao code You Can See Ao Code, area code, ao type, ao no, Nearest Ao Code.

How do I find SONBHADRA AO code for Pan Apply UTI and NSDL?

SONBHADRA AO Code is a (LKN - W- 22 - 3) combination of Area Code, SONBHADRA AO Type, SONBHADRA Range Code and SONBHADRA AO Number. Applicants for PAN are required to provide the AO code in their application. This information can be obtained from the ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA. Applicants may search their AO Codes on the basis of description wherever provided.

PAN Card Ao Code SONBHADRA Area Code is - LKN - W- 22 - 3 ITD ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA

1. Non companies - Income from sources other than income from business or profession - returned income/loss below Rs. 10 lakh - In the area of Sonebhadra Districts of U.P. - First name begin with the alphabet 'M' to 'R' & 'U' 2. Non companies - Income from business or profession - returned income/loss below Rs. 10 lakh - having principal place of business is within the territorial area of Sonebhadra Districts of U.P. - First name begin with the alphabet 'M' to 'R' & 'U' 3. Company (including its MD or director or managing agents & representative assessee) - returned income/loss below Rs. 15 lakh - having principal place of business or profession is within the territorial area of Sonebhadra Districts of U.P. - First name begin with the alphabet 'M' to 'R' & 'U'

PAN Card Ao Code SONBHADRA Area Code is - LKN - W- 22 - 3 ITD ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA

1. Non companies - Income from sources other than income from business or profession - returned income/loss below Rs. 10 lakh - In the area of Sonebhadra Districts of U.P. - First name begin with the alphabet 'S' to 'Z' & (except 'U') 2. Non companies - Income from business or profession - returned income/loss below Rs. 10 lakh - having principal place of business is within the territorial area of Sonebhadra Districts of U.P. - First name begin with the alphabet 'S' to 'Z' & (except 'U') 3. Company (including its MD or director or managing agents & representative assessee) - returned income/loss below Rs. 15 lakh - having principal place of business or profession is within the territorial area of Sonebhadra Districts of U.P. - First name begin with the alphabet 'S' to 'Z' & (except 'U')

PAN Card Ao Code SONBHADRA Area Code is - LKN - W- 22 - 3 ITD ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA

1. Non companies - Income from sources other than income from business or profession - returned income/loss below Rs. 10 lakh - In the area of Sonebhadra Districts of U.P. - First name begin with the alphabet 'A' to 'L' 2. Non companies - Income from business or profession - returned income/loss below Rs. 10 lakh - having principal place of business is within the territorial area of Sonebhadra Districts of U.P. - First name begin with the alphabet 'A' to 'L' 3. Company (including its MD or director or managing agents & representative assessee) - returned income/loss below Rs. 15 lakh - having principal place of business or profession is within the territorial area of Sonebhadra Districts of U.P. - First name begin with the alphabet 'A' to 'L'

PAN Card Ao Code SONBHADRA Area Code is - LKN - W- 22 - 3 ITD ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA

How can I know my SONBHADRA AO code for new PAN card?

SONBHADRA Area code, AO Type, Range Code, AO Code, TAN Code SONBHADRA ao code is- LKN - W- 22 - 3. ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA (Income Tax Office SONBHADRA) also login to Step 2: Click on 'Profile Settings' and click on 'My profile' as shown below. Step 3: Click on 'PAN Card', and it will display all the details along with the details of SONBHADRA Area Code, SONBHADRA AO Type, SONBHADRA Range Code, SONBHADRA AO Number, and ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA Jurisdiction, as shown below.

How do you know your SONBHADRA AO jurisdiction?

SONBHADRA jurisdiction is ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA and Steps to know your SONBHADRA Income-tax ward/circle are as follows: Click on “Know your Jurisdictional AO” on the homepage of directorate of Income-tax i.e. After clicking on it, just enter Pan and you will see a screen like this, giving details of your SONBHADRA Jurisdictional Assessing Officer (AO).

What is AO Type W?

For example, KAR means Karnataka. AO Type: This indicates the type of Assessing Officer (AO). If it says AO Type C, it means you fall under a 'Circle', and AO Type W means (Ward). Usually, if your income is Rs.10 lakh or more, you fall under Circle.

Ao Code for pan card SONBHADRA ?

SONBHADRA for Pan ao code is LKN - W - 22 - 3, Area Code- LKN, Ao Type- W, Range Code- 22, Ao No - 3,

Ao Code kya hota hai?

To apply for pan card, AO code is the code of an income tax department which may be different for every district or city to check that AO code, Check latest Ao Code By Area

Can we change AO code in PAN card?

The process of changing the AO is the same for all cases. The applicant has to mention the reason for his application for changing the AO. The letter has to be sent to the Ombudsman and has to be duly signed by the applicant and his representative. Relevant documents are required to be submitted.

How do I find my AO code?

Applicants can find out their AO Code by visiting the Check Ao Code, AO Code can be found out online as well. It is worth mentioning that the AO Code for a specific PAN card holder may change in future as per the policy updation of the Income Tax Department

What is an AO Code SONBHADRA?

SONBHADRA AO code is the Assessing Officer’s code under ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA jurisdiction the applicant’s ITR will fall. This code has to be mentioned in the form when applying for a PAN card. Such applicants have to provide the AO code in the application which can be obtained from the Income Tax Office ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA.

What is AO code for a student who is applying for PAN card but does not have any source of income (SONBHADRA) area?

The SONBHADRA AO code is (LKN - W - 22 - 3) for you will be determined based on your address and the section criteria. This means that the steps you need to follow to get the AO code are: Identify if you qualify as a salaried individual, non-salaried individual or a non-individual applicant. Select the residential/office address based on the criteria you meet.Download the appropriate list of AO codes from the NSDL website. Open the file using Excel and use the search function (ctrl+f) to search for your city. Once the city is found, check the “Additional Description” field to see if your area is included in that code. Check to see if the code applies to you in terms of you being an international entity, individual or a company. Once you have found the right codes, make a note of the Area Code, SONBHADRA AO Type, Range Type and the AO Number under ITO-3(3) SONBHADRA.

Where do I find the SONBHADRA AO code for my PAN?

SONBHADRA AO code is (LKN - W - 22 - 3) also Applicants can find out SONBHADRA AO Code by visiting the Income Tax Office. Alternatively, AO Code can be found out online as well. It is worth mentioning that the AO Code for a specific PAN card holder may change in future as per the policy updation of the Income Tax Department.

    • Area Code Ao Type Range Code Ao No
      LKN W 22 3

    • SONBHADRA Ao Code is LKN - W- 22 - 3 for Pan Card Apply, When someone applies for a new PAN card, there is one part of the application that asks them to enter an AO code. It is asked for right at the top of the Pan application form. AO Code is meant to identify the tax jurisdiction that the applicant will fall under. The abbreviation AO stands for Assessing Officer.

    • SONBHADRA area code is- LKN - W - 22 - 3 for pan card apply.

    • SONBHADRA AO code is LKN - W - 22 - 3 for Pan Card.

    • Visit Click and Enter Your City or Dist Name and Click Submit.

    • Details about SONBHADRA Ao Code / Area Code for Pan Card Apply

      Area Code Ao Type Range Code Ao No
      LKN W 22 3

    • SONBHADRA Ao code is LKN-W-22-3 AO Code is a combination of Area Code, AO Type, Range Code and AO Number. Applicants for PAN are required to provide the AO code in their application. This information can be obtained from the Income Tax Office. Applicants may search their AO Codes on the basis of description wherever provided.

    • The Area Code, AO Type, Range Code, and AO Number are all combined to form the AO Code. If you are applying for a PAN CARD, this AO code must provide in the form. To enter the AO code in the PAN application, The applicant must receive the AO code for pan card from the Income-tax office department.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is latest and updated as available from nsdl website but the users are advised to verify information with the respective NSDL Care before using the information provided.

List of other Locations AO Code