Meulan En Yvelines Postal Code, 78250 Postal office Details, France zip Code, La Poste.

Last Updated : 13-03-2025

Meulan En Yvelines France Postal Code is 78250, Zip Code is also known as Postal Code. Meulan En Yvelines is located in France zip code is 78250 post office area Meulan En Yvelines.

About Meulan En Yvelines France Postal Code (Zip Code, Pin Code) 78250 Details

Postal code 78250 is Located at Meulan En Yvelines, France.

Zip Code 78250 city Meulan En Yvelines France Postal Details

Postal Code/Zip Code 78250
City Meulan En Yvelines
County France
Postal Locations Meulan En Yvelines, France Postal Code is 78250
Postal La Poste France Postal Service
Delivery Type Buy Stamps, Send Mail, Parcels La Poste.

What is Postal Code Meulan En Yvelines city France?

Meulan En Yvelines Postal Code is 78250.

What is Zip Code Meulan En Yvelines city France?

Meulan En Yvelines France Zip Code is 78250.

All about Postal Code 78250, Meulan En Yvelines, France Parcels La Poste

View stamp prices online, buy pre-stamped envelopes, send registered letters, parcels and reship services, Birth of a national postal service — La Poste is a postal service company in France, operating in Metropolitan France, the five French overseas departments

What is the French postal service called?

La Poste S.A. La Poste is a postal service company in France, operating in Metropolitan France, the five French overseas departments and regions and the overseas collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Does France have a postal service?

The French post office La Poste is one of the few public services in France that gets high praise from the public for the quality of its service. It is not just the amiable postman that wins it for them, but the widespread presence of post office counters in most villages of the country.

How does the postal service work in France?

Mail is delivered in France six days a week. The use of the five digit French postcode for national post is imperative. Stamps are sold in local newsagents and tabacs, as well as in La Poste branch offices. As there are often queues in small post-offices it pays to buy a book (carnet) or roll of stamps.

Who owns La Poste? A public-owned limited company, le groupe La Poste is held by two shareholders the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (66%) and the French government (34%).

What is La Poste Colissimo? Colissimo is a collection and drop-off domestic and international parcel service that is part of Le Groupe La Poste. It offers domestic postal and parcel services across France as well as international delivery options to destinations such as Australia and the USA, up to 60lbs.

Why is French post so slow?

The French postal service is to slow down delivery times by one day for second class letters (lettres verts) in a bid to combat deficits accentuated by the Covid-19 health crisis. The total amount of post sent fell by 18% in 2021, during the health crisis.

How do I know where my package is?

Detailed Colissimo tracking online with a single click by entering your Colissimo tracking number. Identify the Colissimo number on your package or on the merchant's message. Enter your number without the spaces in the box below. Click on the button to access the detailed

How do I know where my tracked letter is?

To track the delivery of your package or letter, use the online tracking tool. To do this, enter your reference in the area provided for this purpose, without spaces and in capital letters. for Tracking

How much does it cost to send a small package to France?
WeightBudget Economy 5 - 10 daysFedEx Priority 1 - 3 days
1lbs11.56 USD 28.55 USD
2lbs15.58 USD28.58 USD
3lbs19.53 USD32.68 USD
Mail ClassShipping Rate
Priority Mail Express International Flat RateStarts at $45.95
Priority Mail InternationalStarts at $37.60
Priority Mail International Flat RateStarts at $28.50
First‑Class Package International ServiceStarts at $14.25

What is the zipcode of Meulan En Yvelines?

Meulan En Yvelines zip code is 78250.

What is the Postal Place of Zip Code 78250?

Postal Code 78250 Post office at Meulan En Yvelines, France.

France Postal About

France Post Corporation provides mail products and services. The Company offers stamps, letters, mailing and shipping supplies, parcel delivery France Post Corporation trading as France Post (French: Postes France), is a Crown corporation which functions as the primary postal operator in France.

FAQ Meulan En Yvelines 78250 France
    • Postal Code-



      Meulan En Yvelines, France



      Postal Locations

      Meulan En Yvelines Postal Code is 78250


      France Postal Deperment La Poste

    • 78250 Postal code is Meulan En Yvelines France.

    • France Postal Tracking official website is La Poste

    • The French postal code consists of 5 digits, the first 2 digits correspond to the department number (or the first 2 digits of the number for 3-digit numbers departments) and the other 3 digits are a code given by LaPoste. Some cities have several postal codes and some zip codes have multiple cities.

    • What is a zip code called in France? Postal codes in France are known as code postal. The postal code system in France was introduced in 1964. Another system is called Courrier d'Entreprise à Distribution EXceptionnelle (CEDEX). This system is designed for large organisations or post office box holders that receive large volumes of mail.

    • Postal codes were introduced in France in 1964, when La Poste introduced automated sorting. They were updated to use the current 5 digit system in 1972. France uses five-digit numeric postal codes, the first two digits representing the département in which the city is located.

    • The ZIP Code for Meulan En Yvelines City are 78250.

    • Postal Code-



      Meulan En Yvelines

      Postal Locations-

      Meulan En Yvelines, Postal Code is - 78250



    • 78250 Post Office Address at Meulan En Yvelines France area zip code 78250.

Disclaimer: The information provided Latest form France Postal Dep Website, but the users are advised to verify information with the respective Post Office before using the information provided.

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